Bros- Sonny and T... Christmas is all about family and it was wonderful to have so many family and friends around us, even though we missed the rest of our California family terribly! But it was so nice to have a nice relaxing Christmas day complete with good food, family, friends, and fun!

The dining room is almost ready for our big feast! Yummy!

We hosted our family Christmas morning brunch at our house this year- naturally the Shelbys' were here, but soon Sonny and Patty and Caitlyn joined us and the DeSantiago's- our adopted family. Here, I put Nicole in charge of setting the table (apparently that is a daunting task at my house and Nic, Patty, and Ivana were afraid I was going to be upset that they were doing it wrong- I thought that was funny)

Naturally, we ate great- we always do when we get together, we had a fabulous Brunch complete with Crepes and Berries and Cream, Brown Sugared Bacon, Sausage, Scrambled Eggs, Roasted Red Potatoes, Banana Walnut Muffins, Juice Bar, Yummy! I told everyone if they didn't get fat and happy at my house- it's not my fault!

You sing it T

It was so nice to have such a relaxing and chill Christmas, we all just played and talked and ate and rotated on RockBand marathon Christmas day... and I loved converting people to my new addiction, muwahahaha

Our favorite Christmas day activity- this little band rocked the house!

TJ quickly became great on the guitar and was an easy convert... Caleb was not a good helper though. ;)

I am the drummer- it's not a secret that I've become a RockBand addict- but I have to say that I actually do rock on the drums- and it was great having bandmembers to play with ;)

Sonny is my RockBand buddy... I've converted him, he liked Bass and Guitar most though.
Gotta say I love the picture of Frank in his Homer Simpson slippers and me in my Superman PJs. HAHAHAH ... We ROCK!
It was a good Christmas this year. Thanks all and mucho amor.
It looks like you guys had a great Christmas. I love being wiht family on Christmas morning. The breakfast sounded great too. I am going to have to start something like that. Stacey
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