Sunday, April 6, 2008

My Freaking Huge House!

I couldn't believe when my sisters said these were the first pics they had seen of our beautiful new home, so I put a few more on for their enjoyment- and bragging rights! Haha
And look, even some new furniture too... and yes, I have a sofa now- yahoo.


Jodi Jean said...

looks absolutely beautiful! 2 new kitchen tables, you are one spoiled girl!!! and a new couch, sheesh! oh wait, you got a HOUSE, definately spoiled!!

Nicole Shelby said...

what was i thinking? here are the pictures right here.
i guess i just wasn't expecting so much posting from you so soon. my assumption, not your mistake.

i want even more pics of your home though.
awesome kitchen. snooty dining room...but then, what do you expect from the Magnificent Maloy Manor?

And where's the pic of the sofa? doesn't count if i don't see it. I don't believe it. 10 years together without a're making up actually having one. and no, your patio furniture doesn't count anymore, now that you have a manor.