These pictures are from the night Chris "became a real man" as he says- also known as joining the fraternal brotherhood of Masonry--- but the only real thing I care about is that he actually looked nice and I got him to wear something other than white socks- now, that is progress!!
wait ... what? chris joined the masons ... what made him want to do that?
does he even know what masonry is? i think you two would HIRE a mason if you needed any done. why didn't he join the mooselodge...at least then he'd get a cool hat and he could pretend that he was mr. flintstone...
and so...receiving his endowments...mel-prst...mission...marriage...four kids...all meant nothing? he wasn't a "real man" until he joined a group of guys devoted to bricks?
I am sure I understand what masonry is much better than Nicole, besides I wanted an apron instead of a hat.
I am certain I never said anything about being a real man because of anything I did.
Not sure how to respond to the endowments, mel-prst, marriange, kids comment, except to answer the question. Yes, they all meant something.
Oh, and take a breather y'all. Things are going to be alright. I mean sure I plan on taking over the world and supporting the New World Order, but hey, that is just how it goes.
So mote it be.
I hate the comment form on this stupid site... anyway, don't ya'll get your panties in a bunch- the "real man" comment was a simple joke referring to the nonwearing of the white socks, which was in fact the main point of the blog to begin with- you would understand that better if you would have seen Chris at church last week- old brown shoes, white socks, black belt, blue pants, and black jacket- but the tie was nice! Anyway, as for the sidenote of the Mason "thing"- it's not a big deal, and if you do a little research- Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, and most of the early prophets and leaders of the church were into "bricks." Now take a breath, and enjoy your weekend- love ya
Yes quite so Heidi. That is interesting that Chris joined the Masons, unexpected, but not deplorable by any means. Joseph Smith, Brigham Young and many other early prophets and leaders of the young church were masons as well, also true. The masons are definitely a good organization and from what I understand they do alot of charity work as well. Congrats Bro.
ok, i wrote out this whole thing and then i deleted it. who cares, whatever makes chris happy makes me happy.
and i'm reading nicole's comment and it reads lighthearted and joking ... but i haven't comfirmed that with her. sheesh, chillac people!
i think y'all overreacted to my comments more that i could have overreacted to the idea of a masonic chris.
i was going for humor. i can not seem to separate masons and the flintstones in my mind. and yes, i know about the early history of the church's men in connected with the masons. i also know tons of our forefathers and leading men of our country were as well. i'm glad chris is doing something that makes him happy. you'd think this other stuff would make him ultra-happy...i know he loves to inspire a reactionary effect in others...
this sort of reminds me, and lets me feel a little bit like a stand-up comic who thinks they have a hilarious bit...and then all they get back is crickets...what a bunch of hecklers.
and just a side-note: i know the masons don't just get together and discuss their favorite types of bricks. there must be snacks involved as well.
no harm intended. didn't desire to offend. sorry chris.
and yes, i am very proud of you for wearing dark socks.
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