Monday, May 26, 2008

Holy Slackerness

As Jodi says, "Holy Slackerness"- better late than never. The short version is that our neighbor ran over our internet line with a lawnmower and we were without modern conveniences for about a week. The other excuse is that- I'M BUSY!! This last week, we have been landscaping our yard, Claire graduated from preschool for the first time, Abigail graduated from Kindergarten, Isabelle had poetry night and started softball, next week Abby starts T-Ball (of which I am her coach), Zach pooped in the potty for the first time, Abby, Claire, and Zach have been taking turns being sick, I taught 15 piano lessons, finished one baby quilt and started one more, had a Grey's Anatomy marathon with Chris, stayed up until 4:30 am with Tandi and company, cleaned my house more than once, and still did all the normal Mommy, wifey, homemaker duties- and you wonder why I haven't blogged??? Whew.


Nicole Shelby said...


you make me tired!

congratulations claire. congratulations abby. why on earth are you coaching? congratulations zach (how do you get him to care about body functions?). hope everyone is feeling better. 15? grey's anatomy, blech...nice balance there isabelle. baby quilt for me? aw shucks. 4:30? yikes! hello tandi! haven't seen that chick in a long time.


Jodi Jean said...

hehe ... ditto to nikki's comment. (seriously made me laugh out loud, nik you crack me up!!!!)

and what' up with GA lately and all the gay maddness ... i'm pissed they turned callie into a lesbian!!