Monday, November 17, 2008

Just One more... Just One More... Just One More...

We got an XBox 360 for our family Christmas present this year (yes, we are already playing with it). We got a really sweet deal from a friend as a package deal, and ended up with Guitar Hero, and RockBand! I wasn't that excited about it... But... from the first time I played RockBand, I was hooked! My name is Heidi Maloy and I am a RockBand-a-holic! I LOVE it.... yesterday, the choice was bang on Chris and the kids, or bang on the drums--- I chose Ch... drums! They are SO fun... Saturday, I stayed up until about 1 am playing with the Nielson's, and last night I was on for hours beating the medium level, and then going back to make sure I have 5 stars on everything. And I got my first 100%.... and.... ok, you get the idea! And by the way, I so totally ROCK!


Kemari said...

Your awesome, you dont have to feel bad about neglecting your life, its a healthy outlet! I need one! Your good at it too, unless I am talking to you the whole time!

Nicole Shelby said...

that is just crazy talk. but, then, i remember the whole dr. mario addiction.

go ahead, you can say it. "hello, my name is heidi maloy, and i am an interactive-computer-game-aholic."


patty maloy said...

HA, HA your a geek...but it's OK your having fun!

Jodi Jean said...

silly! the only xbox 360 games we have involve shooting things ... not my forte ... i've never EVER played the darn thing

CurlyCraze said...

I've never played Rock Band, but I do love Guitar Hero :) There aren't many video games I like, but I always wish there was one that Mark and I liked to play together - so if you come across another good one (non-shooter type), let me know!