My little Claire turns five today, and she is growing into such a beautiful little girl- oh, how the time flies when we are having fun! (She is getting an over the top Pink Pampered Princess party next week...) So today she got to take cupcakes to her preschool, and has requested Macaroni and Cheese for dinner, followed by cake, and root beer floats! And she informed me that she doesn't care if anyone else sees her open her presents- "Don't you want to wait until Dad and your sisters get home?" "No, you can tell them about it, and I will show them what I got- I want to open them right now!" (She got packages from Grandma Grace, and Grandma and Grandpa in the mail) She might be spoiled, but she is so lucky to have so many who adore her!
happy birthday claire! i can't believe that she is 5 - that is ridiculous!
and look at those two pics of you and claire - look at those similarities!
plus, lucky girl: check out those fabo- cupcakes! what's your frosting technique?
I will share my frosting technique because it is ridiculously easy and they do in fact look fabo! I made some chocolate frosting, the very technical way of precisely measuring by throwing in the butter I had left from the other night, sprinkling in whatever amount of cocoa I felt like, adding the rest of the powdered sugar I had in my canister, and drizzling vanilla and adding a splash more for good measure. Then I whipped it up, added a quick pour of milk, and whipped it some more. I stuck my finger in and it tasted pretty good so, that is my fabulous frosting recipe... then I snipped off a corner of a ziploc bag, threw a star decorating tip in it, dumped all the frosting into the bag, and swirled it onto the cute mini cupcakes (that I almost overbaked because I let them cook while I was taking the kids to school and got distracted talking to a friend I hadn't seen in awhile), anyway, sprinkled them with red sanding sugar and presto- impressive and super easy cupcakes in less than an hour- start to finish!
oh and let me mention ... you should use a FREEZER ziplock bag, or while you are squeezing to pipe, the seam will burst and you'll have frosting EVERYWHERE, plus a mess to clean up. YUCK. speaking for experience of course.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY CLAIRE!! yikes ... 5 already. and i'm a horrible aunt, i didn't call. mind you, i have no sense of what day it is? it's october? ... i need sleep!
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