Nicole always says, "Heidi likes nice things." But the truth is that "Chris likes nice things." AND he's completely spoiled rotten. How do you tell the guy that works so hard to provide for his family that he can't have the new toy that he is obsessing about!!?? I think it started when he found some funny clips on YouTube called, "Will it blend?" (funny if you want to go look them up, I particularly like the Glow Sticks). He watched hours of some dry old guy blending CD's, iPhones, cans of pork n' beans, Wii games... you name it! Then he decided that he couldn't live without that blender... so when that same week, it was a promotional item at Costco (what are the chances?) he couldn't resist. He spent every lunch that week at Costco watching the demos and pestering the guy with questions and calling me every hour to see if he could get one. I finally caved and he came home with a brand new BlendTec blender! I told you he is spoiled (I could do a whole blog on why that is true in so many ways). So he came home with pounds of fruit from Costco for Smoothies, and I stocked up on pounds of fruit so he could play with his new toy and we have been in Smoothie heaven ever since. You might be wondering why I was hesitant for him to buy a blender (afterall, I'm the cook, and I LOVE kitchen gadgets!) I knew I would love using the blender (and I do, it's awesome!) but I wasn't sure I wanted to spend the money on the blender, I'm not going to say how much it cost, but let's say it surprises everyone who asks! But now that we have it and use it and love it and play with it--- it IS awesome, and whips up anything like you can't believe! x Oh, and then if our original fruit binge wasn't enough, I bought a huge box of fresh peaches from our local Orchard and went and picked 12 lbs of fresh raspberries! YUMMY! So if you want a Smoothie, come visit me, we even have choices for flavors... so far, Peach Banana and Mango Lassies are my favorite.
what you are only making fruit smoothies? not crunching up iPhones?
and yes...chris is spoiled absolutely moldy rotten
HEY!!!! Nicole?!?! et tu Brute? I resemble that remark.
hehe ... i love smoothies too, but my little cheapy blender works just fine to make them.
see ... i even posted about smoothies awhile back:
holy moley, that is ALOT of fruit! hopefully you're gonna chop some of that up and freeze it, or your whole house is gonna have diarrhea from too much fruit!!!!
Ah, ignorance is bliss. I used to think my cheapey one was fine too, but you should have tasted the perfectly smooth Mango Lassie the other day- BLISS!! It turns ice into powder snow in seconds- FUN! No little ice chunks- think smooth frozen lemonade- plus we can blend weird hard things that have great nutritional value, but you may not normally eat because of texture... and we made our own fresh cashew butter- yum! And I don't care if I sound like a saleswoman- because I have only been recently sold myself- and there is no going back!
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